Student Academic Tools

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Grammar and writing tools can help students improve their writing skills and avoid mistakes. Examples include Grammarly, Hemingway Proofreader, and ProWritingAid.

Collaboration tools help students collaborate effectively and stay in agreement. Examples include Google Drive, Microsoft Groups, and Slack.

Access to computerized libraries and research data sets can help students prepare for exams. Examples include JSTOR, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Research Gate, ChatGPT, and ProQuest.

Web-based learning platforms can supplement traditional classroom learning and allow students to learn at their own pace. Examples include Coursera, Udemy, and edX.

Note-taking and association apparatuses help students keep track of important data. Examples include Evernote and OneNote.

Time usage devices such as Trello, Asana, To-do-list, Google Schedule, and Microsoft To-Do help students focus and stay on task.

Overall, these are the most critical tools that will help university students academically in 2023. By using these tools, students can improve their time management skills, conduct more effective research, work on their composition, collaborate more effectively, and stay organized.